Endometriosis can cause a multitude of frustrating bowel symptoms. Patients are often misdiagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and given trial therapies or medications. They may be advised to follow a low FODMAP diet, finding only minimal relief after trial and error with restrictive diets.
If you are experiencing cyclic bowel issues related to your period or ovulation, this may indicate endometriosis near or infiltrating the bowel. Even early-stage endometriosis near the bowel can cause significant symptoms. Bowel adhesions can also lead to symptoms such as constipation, the sensation of incomplete stool evacuation, or the need to use a “poop stool” or position changes to empty the bowels completely.
We are here to work with you to create the best plan for managing your bowel symptoms or disease. Excision surgery, if necessary, combined with a low-inflammatory diet and nutritional support, can help you feel your best again.
It’s important to understand that you may have bowel endometriosis and related symptoms without experiencing painful periods. Patients are sometimes misdiagnosed with IBS for years because they don’t exhibit characteristic uterine symptoms during menstruation. Deeply invasive bowel endometriosis can cause rectal bleeding during periods and sharp, stabbing rectal pain. While not all patients require a bowel resection, we have a dedicated team of colorectal expert excision surgeons available during surgery if needed.